
How to Organize Your Baby’s Closet in a Smart Way

As a new parent, It’s so overwhelming when you stare at all those freshly washed piles of baby clothing and wonder, “How do I organize this neatly in the baby closet??” With so much tiny clothing and gear to manage, it can feel like an impossible task. You want to do it right because when your baby arrives, having a well-organized closet will give you a good overview of everything you have, making those hectic early days with a new baby a bit smoother!

When your closet is neat and tidy, you’ll always be able to find what you need in a snap, which is crucial when you’re trying to get a squirmy baby dressed and out the door. An organized closet also helps you stay on top of what clothing items your little one has outgrown, making it simple to pass things along or store them away.

Plus, a beautifully arranged closet is just so satisfying to look at. It can bring a sense of calm to an otherwise chaotic time. Personally, I find that when my baby’s closet is in order, it helps me feel more in control and prepared as a new mom.

But where do you start?? I’m here to tell you that a well-organized baby closet is easier than you think!

With a bit of planning and some clever hacks, you can create a well-organized baby closet that makes daily routines smoother and stress-free. Here’s a step-by-step guide with pictures from my daughter’s nursery and easy tips to help you get started!

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How To Organize The Baby Closet: My Own Example

Step-by-Step Tips for the Best Nursery Closet Organization

I’ve got two closets for my baby: one with drawers and one for hanging clothes.

When you only have a drawer closet you can easily fold shirts, sweaters, and jackets to store them in one of the drawers as well; add a few more baskets in one of the drawers for extra storage!

When you only have a wardrobe closet you can hang an organizer in the closet for more closet space!

The drawer in the first picture is from IKEA | Related and cheaper option from Amazon

The wardrobe closet in the second picture is from IKEA | Related wardrobe closet from Amazon

Here are some good examples of wardrobe closet organizers:

Wardrobe organizer | Cosrack closet organizer

Here’s how I Organize Everything to Keep it Neat and Easily Accessible

Step 1: Sort All Baby Clothes

Start by sorting through all your baby’s clothes. Lay them all out so you can see what you’ve got.

  • Group by different sizes: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, etc.
  • Group by Type: Onesies, shirts, pants, pajamas, sweaters, jackets, etc.

This helps you know what you have and what you might need to buy. Babies grow fast, so knowing what you have for the next few weeks is essential.

Step 2: Use the Wardrobe Closet when possible

For clothes that are better off hanging, like shirts, sweaters, and jackets, use the wardrobe closet. Hanging these items helps keep them unwrinkled and ready to wear.

  • Arrange by Size and Type: Hang the clothes from smallest to largest, from left to right. This makes it easy to find what you need quickly.

Step 3: Store Bigger Sizes Separately

Babies outgrow clothes quickly, so you’ll probably have a stash of bigger sizes you don’t need right away. Store these in plastic baskets or bins.

  • Label Each Basket: Clearly mark each one with the size range (e.g., 6-9 months).
  • Find a Storage Spot: Under the bed or in any other space where they’re out of the way but easy to grab when needed.

Keeping only the current size in the closet makes everything more manageable!

These are some nice storage bins

Step 4: Organize the Drawer Closet

One of the best ways to get your baby’s closet under control is to focus on the dresser drawers. This is where you can really store much stuff and keep things tidy. Here’s how I like to do it:

Top Drawer: Everyday Essentials

Dedicate the top drawer to the clothes your little one is wearing now. These are the items you’ll reach for most often, so keeping them here ensures they’re within easy reach. This includes:

  • Onesies
  • Socks
  • Pants
  • Some easy shirts

Having these everyday essentials in the top drawer makes diaper changes and dressing quick and easy!

Middle Drawers: Muslim blankets and diapers

The middle drawers are great for storing all the Muslim clothes and washcloths, so you can easily grab some when needed. 

I also used one middle drawer for unpacked diapers because they go so fast!!

Bottom Drawer: Bulkier Items

The bottom drawer is the perfect spot for bulkier items that you don’t need to access as frequently. 

You can store here items that are still essential but don’t need to be within arm’s reach every day. Storing them in the bottom drawer keeps them out of the way yet still accessible when needed.

Step 5: Roll the Clothes

Roll clothes instead of folding them. This not only saves space but also lets you see everything at a glance. Rolled clothes are less likely to turn into a jumbled mess, making it easier to find what you need.

Step 6: Use the Top of the Dresser

This is the perfect spot to keep a changing pad and all your diapering essentials within easy reach! Here’s what you can do:

  • Changing Pad: Place a changing pad on top of the dresser and use it as a changing table
  • Baskets: Use nice-looking baskets to store necessary items like a few diapers, diaper creams, and wipes. This keeps everything organized and within easy reach.

Some nice looking baskets:

Small woven storage baskets | Woven rope baskets | Hand-woven rope wicker baskets

Baskets and Drawer Dividers

Using baskets or drawer dividers inside the drawers helps keep things organized and maximizes space. Here’s how:

  • Small Baskets: Find ones that fit nicely side-by-side in the drawers. This way, you can separate different types of clothing.
  • Accessories: Use four small baskets for little things like socks, pacifiers, hair accessories, and hats. These are mostly smaller items and don’t need much space, but you still want to keep them sorted.

Foldable drawer boxes in different sizes

I use the small ones for accessories, the large ones for the top drawers, and the big square ones for the middle drawers.

Making the Most of Your Baby’s Dresser Drawers

As you might have noticed, I didn’t fill the drawers with just clothes. I found it unnecessary to stuff them with larger baby clothes that my daughter wouldn’t wear during the first few weeks or months. Every bit of space is precious!

Prioritizing Essentials

Instead, I use the drawers for other daily essentials that I need all the time. This way, I have easy access to everything I use frequently, keeping things tidy and efficient.

Storing Larger Clothes

I prefer to store larger clothes separately. This way, when my baby outgrows her current size, I can easily swap out the smaller clothes for the next size up. This keeps the dresser organized and ensures I’m only using the space for items we need right now.

By organizing the drawers like this, I make sure that the most used items are always within reach, and there’s no wasted space. It keeps our routine smooth and stress-free, adapting easily as my baby grows!

Maintain the System

As your baby grows, you’ll need to update the system regularly.

  • Daily tidy-up: Spend a few minutes each day putting things back in their place. A quick tidy-up routine can prevent the closet from becoming chaotic.
  • Laundry routine: Have a regular laundry routine to keep clothes in rotation and ensure the closet stays organized. Fold and store clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer or from the dryer frame.
  • Weekly Check: Do a quick check every few weeks to see if any clothes need to be removed or if the next size needs to be added to the drawer or hanging closet.
  • Seasonal Swap: Review the wardrobe at the change of each season to ensure it’s weather-appropriate and you’re not missing any essentials.

Keeping the closet organized is really important, so check the bigger clothes stored in plastic bins regularly. I forgot to do this with all the baby chaos and lost track of some outfits, and by the time I found them again, they were already too small.

Extra Tips

  • Label everything for the first few weeks: Labels make it easier for you and anyone else who helps with baby duties to find things quickly.
    Display cute outfits: Use decorative hooks or pegs to display some of the cutest baby clothes and accessories. This adds a charming element to the nursery and makes it easy to not forget about those cute outfits.
  • Keep Essentials Handy: Have a few extra outfits, burp cloths, and diapers in a designated “emergency” drawer or basket for those unexpected messy moments.
    Door storage: Utilize the back of the closet door for additional storage. Hanging organizers can hold shoes, hair accessories, and other small items.
  • Storage bins: When in need of more space for essential items, you can buy some nice-looking storage bins and place them in the nursery as an attractive storage solution
  • Diaper caddy: use a diaper caddy for diapers. It will give you more space in the drawer closet and they are mostly very nice looking in the nursery. Love this one!
  • Use vertical space: Install additional shelves or a second clothing rod in the wardrobe closet. This doubles the hanging space for tiny clothes.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understand Needs: Organize clothes by size and type for easy access.
  2. Declutter Regularly: Keep only what fits and is needed.
  3. Maximize Space: Use vertical space, door storage, and clear bins.
  4. Maintain Order: Develop routines for tidying and rotating clothes.

Now you know how to organize the baby closet in a smart and simple way!

A well-organized baby closet that makes life with your little one a bit easier and a lot more enjoyable!!

This post was all about how to organize the baby closet

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